
People whith PKU are diagnosed at birth. It is a condition where the body’s ability to produce an enzyme that processes protein is damaged or working insufficiently. A chemical called Phe can build up in the body and cause, irritability, confusuion and even permenant brain damage if left untreated. So, getting people with PKU into clinic treatment, where Phe is monitored monthly — or on a presecrbed medication that lowers Phe is critical.


BioMarin — makers of Palynziq, a treatment for PKU. Have established unbranded PKU disease state education social pages on Facebook and Instagram to spread the importance of monitoring and treatment messages. We leveraged existing patient profile videos that we produced, to create these quick and useful clips that spread awareness and hopefully motivate folks to return to treatment.


Every PKU paitent has a unique journey on their way to treatment and controlled Phe levels.


We curated a unique group of resources to address patient needs at every stage of their journey on the Palynziq (a treatment for PKU) website by adding a Patient Journey section. Once a journey stage is selected, they can click through a series of reference materials, videos, and counseling options to inform their journey to lowering their Phe levels with Palynziq.

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